Best of Britannia Talk - repeating Saturday, 12:30

I've been asked to repeat my Best of Britannia talk tomorrow at 12:30pm, here at the Farmiloe Building in Clerkenwell

The event is on all day, and is a brilliant collection of the best of British design and manufacture.

Basically, it's the place you can come tomorrow and get all your Christmas shopping done in one day. 

Even for that tricky uncle Nigel who you always buy socks for.

My talk was also made Slideshare Presentation of the Day, which was nice.  People clearly love Superheroes mixed in with Manufacturing origin stories.  I guess people like Superheroes mixed in with everything though.

Anyway, here's the slides below to whet your appetite; see you tomorrow, bring cash to support the amazing Britsh industry and ideas on display, and pop by the Artefact Cards stall on the second floor to say hello.


Superheroes, Origin Stories & Artefact Cards - Best Of Britannia 2013 from John V Willshire
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