The last of the Winter blues...

It's snowing here.  That's a bit ridiculous, isn't it?  Surely it shouldn't snow in March? 

You know what they say though, March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb.

It has one thing in its favour, this weird cold snap... it's helped me find a suitable end-point for the Winter Edition Artefact Cards



Officially, Winter lasts right up until the spring equinox, on 20th March, but this seems a much more fitting end; the cards went on sale with the first snow, and leave with the last.

So after the snow leaves us here in Sussex, that'll be that.

Last orders at the bar, please...



And then I can start telling you all about the Spring edition, which you'll find a clue for in this picture... put it this way, I hope it'll really grow on you...

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