Martin is an Information Security adviser, who works with companies and their suppliers, to identify and manage risk or to design bespoke training courses
Hi Martin. So, how did you think you'd use the cards?
Initially I thought I'd use them during process design and risk workshops to replace copious amounts of paper and flip chart use.
How did you actually use them?
I've used them for all sorts - risk workshops, teaching aids, course design, report design and mentoring / coaching. We even used a card to help form wings for the Christmas tree angel :)
I had thought I'd use them to encourage others to share ideas on risk during workshop sessions. This does indeed happen, but I've also got a core set of cards that I use - they act as a prompt to spark discussion and debate. I now carry a couple of boxes routinely - one set of core cards and a blank set to design and share on the fly.
I find the cards useful to focus thinking - Yellow side for my problem statement and then white side to play with solutions.
Have they changed the way you do anything?
I initially thought I'd do more visual thinking using them. In reality I find I write a heading and then doodle later. They change the dynamic of risk discussions which have historically been quite static - when a risk is written on a flip chart people move on... with the cards, people play with ideas for longer and switch the context or make better links between related items.
I never thought I'd use them for training and mentoring, but have found them great for simplifying things or posing a challenge question for someone to take away and mull over.
How do you describe them to others?
An interactive media to share, explore and expand ideas and thinking...batteries NOT Required!
Any final thoughts..?
Buy a box for each place you work - I have a set in my bag, a box on my desk and a box at home. I also stash them in my wallet, iPad case and mobile phone... You never know when an idea will hit... Be prepared, seize the Sharpie!